
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

1:1 Leadership Coaching

Leadership challenges around identity and equity are not for the faint of heart. Especially for those of us who inhabit a dominant group identity, leadership in this moment can feel daunting.

Work with me one on one to expand your knowledge about the dynamics of oppression while sharpening your analysis of systemic injustice. We will explore the themes of identity, leadership, and social change as they are emerging in your life and work.

Hourly Rate: $175 - $225 sliding scale

Starter kit $1000

  • Get your learning journey off to a solid start with six 1:1 sessions of 60 minutes.

I would love to support you in your effort to lead with integrity, accountability, and wisdom. Contact me to set up a complementary 30 minute consultation to talk through your needs.