

  • Talk It Out Radio on KPFA - Conversation about Healing Masculinity featuring Melvin Escobar and myself .

  • Remembering Us - Interview about my personal story and how it informs my work with white folks and men.

  • Envision Radio - Interview with Angela Sevin and myself about our racial justice education work through Beyond Separation.

  • Radical Advice - Another interview with Angela Sevin and myself about our racial justice education work through Beyond Separation.

  • On Misogyny - Interview with Max Velasco Knott on my work around men, masculinity, and patriarchy.

  • A Cosmology of Equity - Panel discussion at the 2017 CoCap Conference featuring Angela Glover Blackwell and myself, moderated by Rev. Dr. Diane Johnson (video)

  • Drive to Understand - A 2017 youtube series in which a self-described “Trump Supporter” sought out progressive thought leaders to have civil conversations about hot-button issues (video)